

Management of Severe Deformities in Foot & Ankle Surgery - Overview 1 Click to enlarge
IBRA Advanced Course

Management of Severe Deformities in Foot & Ankle Surgery

Course fully booked
Date: Friday, November 2, 2018 – Saturday, November 3, 2018
Division: Lower Limbs
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Language: English
Participants: 30
Level: advanced
Program Basel Foot and Ankle 2018.pdf (1.53 MB)  Last update: 11.10.2018

Scientific Chair

Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Basel, Switzerland


Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman, Hannover, DE
Dr. Christian Plaass, Hannover, DE
Prof. Dr. Alexej Barg, Salt Lake City, USA


Faculty  (in alphabetical order)
Prof. Dr. Alexej Barg, Salt Lake City, USA
Dr. Ahmed Galhoum, Nuneaton, UK
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Leme Godoy-Santos, São Paolo, BR
Prof. Dr. Mario Herrera, Tenerife, SP
Prof. Dr. João de Cavalho Neto, São Paolo, BR
Dr. Christian Plaass, Hannover, DE
Prof. Dr. Christina Stukenborg-Colsman, Hanover, DE
Prof. Dr. Sergio Tejero, Sevilla, SP
Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano, Basel, CH
Dr. Martin Wiewiorski, Winterthur, CH


Course Fee

  Seminar & Workshop Seminar only
IBRA Member EUR 490 EUR 80
Non-Member EUR 580 EUR 110
Resident EUR 530 EUR 90






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